The Strategic Report: DG Market Brazil | 2nd Half of 2021 is the result of the traditional Market Research that Greener has carried out for 5 years with thousands of integrator companies in order to understand the directions of the Photovoltaic Market in Distributed Generation in Brazil and share data and strategic information for the various players in the sector.
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Summary - Strategic Report: DG Market Brazil | 2nd Half of 2021
Check out some of the study’s highlights:
- Prices of the PV systems suffered a raise of an average of 8% in 2021 besides the raise in equipment cost.
- Besides the price increase, the raise of energy tariffs in 2021 and the changes in DG legislation (Law 14.300/2022) contribute for a strong interest by the final consumer.
- Solar Financing keeps raising, backing 57% of sales.
- The PV module demanded by the brazilian market in 2021 to attend solar generation as a whole (DG + CG) surpassed 9,7 GW.
- Strong acceleration of module volume in the fourth trimester, indiating optmism of the market for 2022. This volume represents Brazil’s participation of 5,6% of worldwide demand of PV modules in 2021.