The Distributed Generation PV Market Strategic Report is the result of the traditional Market Research that Greener has been carrying out for 5 years with integration companies to understand the directions of the Distributed Generation Photovoltaic Market in Brazil and share data and strategic informations for the entire energy sector. In this edition, more than integrators, distributors and 650 photovoltaic system owners were also interviewed.
This is a summary. Check out the Complete Report through the forms on the side or click here!
Summary - Strategic Market Research - PV Solar Market - Distributed Generation - 1H 2021
Check out some highlights:
- Market volume for PV Modules reached 4.88 GW in the first half of 2021, already exceeding the full-year volume for 2020.
- Despite the higher equipment costs, the prices of PV Systems for end consumers remained stable.
- Bank Financing is already a part of the financing package of 54% of PV projects completed in 2021.
- Among commercial customers, the retail sector, and more specifically supermarkets, are intalling the highest number of PV systems, representing 38% of all installations.
- Micro businesses and small companies are leaders in the use of PV systems. In our market survey, more than 74% of commercial installations were commissioned by this small business category.